13 August 2024

Tell Congress to get PFAS out of your water 13AUG24

ALL politics are not just the political campaigns taking place nationally, state wide and locally. Governments at all levels are working. Congress is supposed to be working and so it is not a waste of time to contact our individual representative and senators as well as the president about one's views on issues. Food and Water Watch is asking for people to contact their representative and senators and tell them to support, sponsor and vote for the PFAS Action Act.  The action page ask you to personalize the letter being sent to Congress, here is what I added to the letter, "DO NOT  let corporate America set the agenda and dictate "acceptable" regulations for addressing  the PFAS problem, there are enough Superfund sites as well as smaller but highly toxic polluted areas across the country proving that approach does not work. It is time to prioritize the American people over corporate profit margins. Pass the PFAS Action Act during this session of Congress, not next year after the election, do it now!" Though Food and Water Watch is sending the letter on the action page to every member of Congress I did copy it with my comment and e mailed it to my representative and senators too.

PFAS "forever" chemicals can be found in almost everything — including food, firefighting foam, non-stick pans, and stain-resistant fabrics. And these chemicals are contaminating drinking water across the country. Hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. could be drinking PFAS-contaminated water right now.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has set enforceable limits on six types of PFAS in drinking water and designated two types as hazardous substances, but they failed to address all forms of PFAS, leaving thousands of toxic chemicals excluded from testing and regulation.

Clearly, the EPA's plan doesn’t go far enough, and more extensive regulations are needed to protect us from these toxic chemicals.

It’s time for Congress to act against those responsible for this contamination and address the public health threat!

Urge your members of Congress to pass the PFAS Action Act.

The PFAS Action Act would set clear definitions and deadlines to determine whether to regulate all PFAS in drinking water and designate them all as hazardous substances. It would also:

  • Require the Environmental Protection Agency to limit the industrial discharge of PFAS.
  • Provide $200 million annually for wastewater treatment.
  • Require PFAS health testing.
  • List PFAS as hazardous air pollutants.
Send Your Message

Corporate polluters have known for decades that PFAS chemicals are toxic, and research has made it clear that no amount of PFAS is safe.

More and more studies are uncovering PFAS’s health risks, including cancers and immune and reproductive system harm.

That’s why for years, Food & Water Watch has been calling on the EPA to use a broad, widely accepted definition of PFAS in order to protect public health. Now we need to raise our voices to make sure the EPA and corporations are not let off the hook.

Onward together,

Wenonah Hauter
Founder and Executive Director
Food & Water Watch 

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