23 March 2020


Image result for image scam / fraud
WHILE THE INTENTION MAY HAVE BEEN GOOD THIS SITE IS FULL OF "SNAKE OIL SCAMS" AND POTENTIAL FRAUD AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED. I e mailed SumOfUs after checking it out " If SumOfUs actually plans on sending this out to the general public I will be sending it to the appropriate government agencies in the U.S. because I already found a posting that had the hights number of views, 22, claiming copper bracelets prevent coronavirus / Covid-19 and there is a link to get one for God knows how much. This is a scam to take advantage of the fears of the public. This site seems not to be regulated or vetted and should be stopped right away. SumOfUs is better than this, or used to be. Go Back to the drawing board, NOW " Here is the e mail from SumOfUs, and be aware I changed the links from the "help" site to the SumOfUs website....
Millions of us need help right now, and millions more can offer it. But we had no way to connect directly, until now -- check out this brand new global response system to link those who need a hand with those who can offer it. Together we can transform the world's response to this crisis!

As Coronavirus sweeps the planet, millions of people are isolating themselves through social distancing to help stop the spread of the virus.
Now social media sites are lighting up with two kinds of messages: "How can I help those in need?" and "Can anyone help with this?"
But so far there's no organized way to find or offer assistance -- whether it’s financial, practical, or even social. We’re hoping to change that by building a centralized, global response system where people all over the world can get the support they need during this crisis.
Click below to check out this critical new system and help fill it up with posts before it goes out to the full public:
Tell us what you can contribute -- or what you need!
This is how it's going to work. If you have something you can give -- a little money to someone who needs it, the ability to do a shopping trip for someone who can't leave the house, extra diapers, a phone call to help someone feel less isolated -- just post it on the board.
Click to offer help.
Same goes if you need something. There's no shame in needing each other right now. Tens of thousands of people are being put out of work with trying financial times ahead. Many others are stuck caring for a sick or vulnerable family member and can't get out of the house to make that shopping trip or walk the dog. If you or someone you know needs help -- just post it on the board, and those with something to offer can find you and give you a boost. Or you can search the offers for what you need and connect directly!
Click to ask for help, for you or someone else!
The next few months will be tough, but we can get through it if we support each other. Let's make this new system the hub of human resilience we need in trying times. And show governments and corporations what real global cooperation looks like. If you need something or have something to offer -- check out the new system, now!
With hope for all we can do together,
Emma Ruby-Sachs, Executive Director and the team at SumOfUs

SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

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