22 January 2020


Image result for nestle unethical issues
nestle may be known for their chocolate but don't be fooled, corporate nestle is not sweet at all. Corporate policy is guided by the greed of the ceo and board of directors determined to increase company profit margins and their pay packages no matter the harm their decisions do to the environment, communities and individuals. SumOfUs  is one of organizations not intimidated by nestle's size or financial resources and have been challenging nestle's policy of water theft and water deprivation across the United States. nestle has lost some of these fights in the courts, some fights are ongoing. It is time to boycott all nestle products until they become a responsible local and world wide corporate citizen. Here are some of the campaigns challenging nestle SumOfUs has initiated or participated in. Please join this boycott of nestle products and consider making a donation to SumOfUs. AND go to their website to check out their campaigns to save bees, end Amazon fires, ban roundup and more. Share this with family, friends and coworkers.
nestle/Ginnie Springs 22JAN20
On a sunny Tuesday morning in December, SumOfUs joined nearly 100 people at a meeting of Florida water officials to deliver over 380,000 petition signatures demanding that they stop Nestlé from draining Ginnie Springs.
And your signature was one of them, Craig.

After handing over the massive box of signatures, townspeople and local activists spent two hours making passionate public statements against Nestlé’s water grab. Many of them had driven three hours just to be there. Some were even missing school for the day.

SumOfUs members are fighting to protect Ginnie Springs from Nestlé's greed

After the meeting, SumOfUs and our partner Our Santa Fe River kayaked down the Santa Fe River to bring a powerful protest directly to Ginnie Springs.
Your petition signature helped us make a big splash. Water officials were paying close attention, and even thanked us for our passion.
But the fight isn’t over yet.
Nestlé is already bottling a small amount of Ginnie Springs’ water using an expired permit. And in the next few months, officials will decide whether to approve a new permit that would allow Nestlé to suck nearly half a billion gallons of water out of the springs every year.
We need your help to pull out all the stops to protect this water from Nestlé’s greed.
Publix, Florida’s largest grocery store chain, sells Nestlé’s bottled water from Ginnie Springs. If you can convince Publix to take Ginnie Springs water off its shelves, it would be a huge blow to Nestlé. And it would send a powerful message to Florida officials that it doesn’t make economic sense to approve the permit.
Tell Publix: Stop profiting from the destruction of Florida’s water supply.
Thanks for all that you do,
Allison, Lacey and the team at SumOfUs

Baby foods




Food service

Healthcare nutrition

Ice cream


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