21 June 2024

Sign the petition: "I will not attend" 21JUN24

I signed the petition telling Pres Biden, Rep Jennifer Wexton D-VA, Sen Tim Kaine D-VA and Sen Mark Warner D-VA not to attend if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does come to address Congress. I also called the White House, Rep Wexton's and Sen Kaine's offices, they were all closed. I did speak to an aid at Sen Warner's office about the Gaza war and told her Sen Warner has to take a stand against the genocide being committed in Gaza by Israel, against the genocide Hamas is committed to carrying out against Israel, against the arming of illegal radical Israeli settlers in the West Bank attacking Palestinians. I told her Sen Warner's positions on these issues has to go farther, be stronger against the wanton, criminal violence being committed by Israelis against Palestinians and by Palestinians against Israelis. I told her if Sen Warner has to oppose weapons and ammunition shipments to Israel to stop the violence then he needs to be strong enough to do that. War is not the answer.War is not the answer. I also told her Sen Warner needs to boycott Israeli PM Netanyahu's address to Congress if he does come to speak. She said she will inform Sen Warner of my opinion. Will she????? I had to try. From Demand Progress.....

Here is the e mail I sent to Pres Biden, Rep Wexton ( Representative ), Sen Kaine and Sen Warner 

( Senators )

 'The Gaza war has to stop,Pres Biden has to take a stand against the genocide being committed in Gaza by Israel, against the genocide Hamas is committed to carrying out against Israel, against the arming of illegal radical Israeli settlers in the West Bank attacking Palestinians. Pres Biden's positions on these issues has to go farther, be stronger against the wanton, criminal violence being committed by Israelis against Palestinians and by Palestinians against Israelis. If Pres Biden has to oppose weapons and ammunition shipments to Israel to stop the violence then he needs to be strong enough to do that. War is not the answer. Cease-fire now! I also believe Pres Biden needs to boycott Israeli PM Netanyahu's address to Congress if he does come to speak.'


U.S. Representatives Ro Khanna and Jim Clyburn have joined a growing number of congressional Democrats who say they will NOT attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress.1

The Israeli military has killed 35,000 Palestinians and 200 aid workers in Gaza. Food, water, and medical aid has been stopped from reaching people in Gaza, causing a million people to face starvation.

Instead of engaging with international partners to broker a diplomatic peace deal, Netanyahu has been actively opposing a ceasefire. Our leaders cannot lend legitimacy to Netanyahu by attending his speech while the onslaught against Palestinians continues. Our leaders can no longer support Netanyahu and the Israeli military with weapons and funding.

Sign the petition: Urge Congress to call for a permanent, immediate ceasefire and end offensive military support for Israel.

Senator Bernie Sanders was the first to speak out against congressional leaders inviting Netanyahu and say he wouldn’t attend the Prime Minister’s speech. Now, many others are joining, just as many others have joined the calls to end our offensive military support for Israel. A permanent ceasefire is the only way forward in Gaza, but Netanyahu is unwilling to broker a deal.

When Democratic congressional leaders signed the invitation to Netanyahu, they handed Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell a political gift. The GOP is using the speech to try to villainize anyone who doesn’t attend. And last time Netanyahu gave a speech in front of Congress, he railed against Democrats and the Obama administration.

Our leaders must change U.S. policy in Gaza to stop the ongoing atrocities.

Sign the petition: Permanent ceasefire now. Stop sending offensive weapons to Israel.

Thanks for taking action,

Joey and the team at Demand Progress


  1. Huffington Post, "Rep. Ro Khanna Joins Other Lawmakers In Boycotting Netanyahu's Speech To Congress,” June 16, 2024.

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