01 August 2012

Victory! A win for D.C. women 1AUG12

MAYBE, just maybe, the repiglicans and tea-baggers are realizing their war on women isn't winning them any votes with the American electorate. Maybe their extreme right wing social engineering agenda is finally being seen for what it is, an all out assault on women's rights. The real danger for women lies after the 2012 election. If the gop / tea-baggers maintain control of the House and gain the Senate and mitt romney is elected President then women in this country will be pushed back into the dark ages by men who's agenda in nothing short of "christian sharia". This is a victory, but the battle is far from over. From Planned Parenthood of Metro D.C.
Planned Parenthood
As you know, Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ), introduced a bill that would deny the women of Washington, D.C. access to a medically necessary abortion, even if she is experiencing life-threatening complications as a result of her pregnancy. It would also subject a doctor to criminal penalties for performing a safe and legal medical procedure and would deny D.C. residents the ability to make their own laws. 
Despite Congressman Franks’ horrific attempt to interfere with D.C. women’s personal medical decisions, we are pleased to inform you that the bill did not pass the House of Representatives! Yesterday evening, the House voted, 220-154, and failed to achieve the two-thirds majority that it needed under the “suspension of the rules.”
Today is surely a victory for the women in the District of Columbia. Here at Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C., we are truly happy with the outcome of this terrible bill. While Congressman Franks had 222 other co-sponsors on his bill, he was only able to muster 220 votes, and six Republicans voted with us. For all of you who contacted your Member of Congress and called Congressman Franks to tell him women and doctors — not politicians — should be making personal, medical decisions, thank you!
Amidst continuing threats, we need to celebrate victories, so enjoy the moment!
Laura Meyers
President, Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C.
Planned Parenthood

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