04 August 2012

Got your check yet? 3AUG12

Another benefit of the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare.....and mitt romney and the gop / tea-baggers want to repeal the law and return obscene profit margins to the insurance companies!

Because of Obamacare, health insurance companies are sending $1.1 billion in rebates back to their customers this year.
The 80/20 Rule requires health insurers to spend 80% of our premium dollars on actual medical care. If they spend more than 20% on overhead, salaries, executive bonuses and profits, they have to give the difference back to consumers.
Insurers call it the "Medical Loss Ratio," but whatever you call it, the new rule could mean money in your pocket. Yesterday was the deadline for insurance companies to make these refunds.
So check your mail! If you see an envelope in your mailbox from your health insurer, it could be a check. Yeah. Really.
If you’ve already gotten your rebate from your insurer, let us at Health Care for America Now know about it. We want everyone across the country to know that Obamacare is working for consumers.
Thanks. The link to tell us about your refund is right here:
Will O’Neill
P.S. – If you or your employer don’t receive a check THAT’S NOT REALLY A BAD THING. That means that your health insurance company is following the rules instead of collecting more in premiums than it should have last year.

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