27 August 2012

Uygur: Did David Koch buy Paul Ryan the VP slot? 25AUG12

THE koch brothers are the biggest threat to our Republic ever because their vast wealth is so corrupting they are able to buy almost anyone they want. It comes as no surprise they probably bought rep paul ryan's place on the gop / tea-bagger presidential ticket, his budget proposal combined with mitt romney's greed serves them well. We are dangerously close to becoming a plutocracy, the election of romney-ryan will advance the koch agenda of achieving that goal much closer to fruition. From the Raw Story.....
By David Ferguson
Cenk Uygur on Ryan nomination
On Friday night’s edition of “The Young Turks,” host Cenk Uygur highlighted a report by controversial Republican political operative Roger Stone. The report alleges that vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) arrived at his place on the ticket through the machinations of David Koch, half of the powerful billionaire Koch brothers.
Stone claims to have heard from sources inside the presidential campaign of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney that the governor was approached at a fundraiser in the Hamptons (the notorious “We are V.I.P.!” bash) by David Koch and his wife.
Koch, who has worked cheek by jowl with the Wisconsin Republican cabal that launched the career of Gov. Scott Walker and famously stalled out that state’s government for months in 2011, reportedly offered Romney an additional $100 million in campaign donations to C-4 and super PAC organizations dedicated to Romney’s election on the condition that Romney take Ryan as his running mate.
“In other words,” said Uygur, “a flat-out bribe. Now, I give you a $100 million for your campaign, and you give me the VP selection that I want. Now this is not a Democrat or a reporter reporting this, it’s a Republican, and that’s fascinating. If it’s true, by the way, 100 percent illegal.”
Uygur specifically points to one key piece of Ryan’s platform as a possible motivation for the billionaire conservative’s investment in his own vice president. Ryan wants to lower the capital gains tax — already low at 15 percent — to zero, which would bring David Koch personally an estimated $187.5 million per year. ($750 million over a four year term.)
“That’s why they bribe the politicians,” Uygur said. “What’s outrageous is that we allow them to do it.”
Watch the clip, embedded via Current TV, below:

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