14 August 2018

TAKE ACTION: We need stronger protections from lead poisoning 14AUG18

Image result for lead poisoning meme
LEAD and children, actually lead and any living, just do not go together. We have the means to address this problem, the problem is we are not willing to spend the money to address the problem. That has got to change and we can help by signing this petition to the EPA telling them to take stronger action to address lead poisoning in the U.S. From the good lawyers at EarthJustice.....
Leading health organizations have said there are no safe levels of lead.

TAKE ACTION! We need stronger protections from lead poisoning

Earthjustice is partnering with community groups to fight for just and protective EPA standards for lead in the dust and paint in our homes. (Dedi Grigoroiu/Shutterstock)
Lead poisoning is the number one environmental health threat in the U.S. for children ages 6 and younger.

Tell the EPA: Enact the strongest possible standards to protect children from lead exposure.
Dear Craig,
The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes that lead poisoning is the top environmental health threat in the U.S. for children under 6—so why are the agency’s standards to identify and address the lead found in household paint and dust still falling short of protecting children’s health?
Thanks to a lawsuit filed by Earthjustice on behalf of community groups, a federal court of appeals has concluded that the EPA’s current standards are insufficient and ordered the agency to revise its woefully outdated definitions of what constitutes a “dust-lead hazard” and what qualifies as a lead-based paint.
Lead exposure, particularly during childhood, ruins the full potential of every life it touches. And it’s well documented that low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected.
Lead affects virtually every system in the human body, but it is an especially potent neurotoxin. Even in tiny amounts, lead can have irreversible consequences for children, including diminished I.Q., learning disabilities, hyperactivity and impaired hearing.
One of the most common causes of lead exposure in children in this country is the ingestion of dust that contains lead from deteriorating lead-based paint in the home.
Hannah Chang
Staff Attorney

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