07 August 2018

During unhinged speech, Trump suggests he may still lock up Hillary and mimics MS-13 stabbings 2AUG18

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SO many republican politicians and republican voters claim they are not drumpf/trump-pence supporters, that they do not support racism, fascism, sexism, bigotry, hate and fear mongering, misogyny, immorality, corruption and lies. If this is true drumpf/trump-pence would have never been nominated as the republican candidates for president and vice-president. If this is true the republican senators and representatives leaving congress this year because they oppose the drumpf/trump-pence administration would be working with and voting with the Democrats against drumpf's/trump's Supreme Court nominee and the corrupt policies of his administration. If this is true republican candidates would not have drumpf/trump or pence or anyone from their administration campaigning for them like rep lou barletta r PA at this rally.If this is true republican voters would not show up in the numbers they do to hear the embarrassing ranting and raving drumpf/trump delivered at this rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA. REMEMBER, THE MIDTERM ELECTIONS ARE ON TUESDAY, 6 NOV 18. VOTE, BECAUSE THE FUTURE OF OUR NATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE RESULTS.  GO TO ROCK THE VOTE or VOTE.ORG to make sure you are registered to vote or to register to vote as well as information about voting in your state. GO TO Ballotpedia for information on candidates for office and ballot issues in your state.

During unhinged speech, Trump suggests he may still lock up Hillary and mimics MS-13 stabbings

The president smeared immigrants as murders and called journalists "horrible, horrendous people."

President Trump delivered a nearly 90-minute-long speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Thursday night in which he suggested he may yet lock up Hillary Clinton and smeared immigrants as violent murderers.
When Trump mentioned Clinton, the crowd broke out in “lock her up!” chants. Trump responded by saying, “Some things just take a little bit longer.” He then complained that his Justice Department “only wants to go after Republicans. You look at the kind of criminal actions and crime — they only want to go after the Republicans.”

Trump suggests he may lock lock up Hillary Clinton

Trump focused much of his speech at Thursday’s campaign-style rally on immigration, touting his border wall and taking his familiar fearmongering about supposedly criminal immigrants to the extreme.
Trump disclosed that Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have been advising him to shut down the government unless he gets more than $20 billion in funding for his border wall before the 2018 midterm election.
Trump then lied about the wall, falsely claiming “we’re building it.” In reality, Trump hasn’t received any money to build the structure, which he promised during his campaign that Mexico would fund.
Alluding to a possible shut down, Trump said, “we are going to start to get very nasty over the wall.”
At another point, Trump sought to scare people about the risks posed by immigrants by referring to MS-13 as “slicers” and “animals” and mimicking the motions of a person being stabbed.

Trump mimics MS-13 stabbing

The president went on to literally accuse visa lottery recipients of murder.
“‘Our fist lottery winner — let’s see, he has seven convictions for death. He’s killed nine people.’ And we’re getting him the hell out of our country!” Trump said.

Trump smears visa lottery recipients as murderers

In fact, visa lottery recipients are vetted just like all legal immigrants are, and immigrants — both undocumented and otherwise — commit crimes at rates no higher than American citizens.
At one point, Trump mockingly mimicked cancer-stricken Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his decisive vote last summer against repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Here is the president of the United States mimicking an MS-13 stabbing as part of his effort to smear immigrants as violent murderers
Here is the president mockingly mimicking @SenJohnMcCain, who is currently stricken with cancer, for his vote against ACA repeal

After his speech concluded, Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro unironically spun Trump’s performance as “positive” and “funny.”
“He was positive, he was funny. But more importantly, he had a message of success,” she said.

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