18 August 2018

FROM EARTHJUSTICE: TAKE ACTION: Senate must have all of Kavanaugh's records before holding hearings 17AUG18

IF  Judge Kavanaugh has nothing to hide and IF the drumpf/trump-pence administration isn't trying to hide information about Judge Kavanaugh's political and judicial record and agenda there should not be any problem  making sure all of the requested documents are released  and each Senator has the time to review all the documents they feel necessary. Please sign this petition to your Senators telling them all judge kavanaugh's records must be made available to the Senate before hearings and a vote on his nomination to the Supreme Court are held. From EarthJustice and Daily KosDemand JusticeGreen AmericaGreenpeace USAAmerican Federation of TeachersCaring Across GenerationsCenter for American Progress Action Fund, CREDO ActionEvery VoiceFriends of the EarthNational Women's Law CenterSierra Club, SEIU, Lady Parts Justice and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.....

What we do know of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s judicial record is bad enough.

TAKE ACTION! Senate must have all of Kavanaugh’s records before holding hearings

Brett Kavanaugh appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee, April 26, 2004. (Dennis Cook/AP)
Senate Republicans want to rush through Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation so he can be seated before the midterm elections.

Senate must have all of Kavanaugh’s records before holding hearings.
Dear Craig,
In less than a month, your U.S. senators will begin to debate whether Judge Brett Kavanaugh will receive a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of pages of material relating to Judge Kavanaugh’s tenure in the Bush White House remain hidden from the public.
Judge Kavanaugh spent five years working as a Bush administration lawyer, time he called “among the most instructive” to his thinking as a judge. His work in the Bush administration could shed light on how he would rule as a Supreme Court justice on issues including public health and the environment. Yet instead of following the same process used for Supreme Court nominees in both parties–making all documents available to the public–Senate Republican leaders are allowing right-wing political operatives tied to the Bush White House to determine what we get to see.
The rush to hold hearings while critical documents remain off-limits raises the question: What are Senate Republican leaders hiding? What don’t they want us to know about Judge Kavanaugh’s legal philosophy?
What we do know of Judge Kavanaugh’s judicial record is bad enough. For the past 12 years on the federal bench, Judge Kavanaugh has consistently ruled against environmental protections, struck down EPA public safeguards under the Clean Air Act, opposed efforts to fight climate change, and stood against protections for clean water. Judge Kavanaugh has also favored limiting the power of federal regulatory agencies and has argued for restricting the rights of people to access our court system, while often siding with polluters and wealthy corporations.
If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed, the Supreme Court could swing drastically to the right, which would have serious implications for our environment and could undo the very rights and liberties we’ve fought so hard to achieve and defend. Your senators’ decision on Judge Kavanaugh could change the judiciary for decades, and repairing the damage that Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh would cause could take even longer.
Judge Kavanaugh won’t be a Supreme Court justice for just six months, or a year, or likely even a decade he’ll be confirmed for life. That’s why it’s important for every senator to carefully scrutinize every aspect of a nominee’s record.
Brielle Green
Legislative Counsel

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