28 August 2018

TAKE ACTION: Defend this major interstate air pollution safeguard 27AUG18

THE EPA proposal to gut the regulations on downwind air pollution fulfilling the drumpf/trump-pence administration's pledge to enrich the 1% and corporate America at the expense of the rest of the nation. EarthJustice is fighting against this proposed rule change. Please click the link to send a public comment to the EPA and add your own comments if you can, I did (big surprise I know 😊), "I urge EPA not to finalize its proposed rule authorizing continued cross-state air-pollution that contributes to unhealthy levels of ozone in downwind states. The proposed rule places corporate profit margins above the health and welfare of the American people, and all too often these Americans are the poor and working classes, frequently minorities. The EPA is supposed to protect all in America from preventable pollution and in spite of the Trump-Pence administration's pro corporate agenda WE THE PEOPLE expect  the EPA to remain true to it's mandate."
EPA won’t even consider effects on environmental justice communities caused by continued pollution.

TAKE ACTION! Defend this major interstate air pollution safeguard

Ozone, or smog, is a type of pollution formed from the exhaust of power plants, factories, cars and trucks. (Tatiana Grozetskaya / Shutterstock)
EPA’s proposed “Bad Neighbor Rule” allows polluters to continue emitting harmful pollutants that blow into other states.

Tell EPA that we demand strong protections from cross-state pollution.

The Environmental Protection Agency wants to gut protections that stop our worst air-polluters from blowing their emissions into downwind states, causing lung-singeing health problems, asthma attacks and early deaths, and issue a new rule that gives them a license to pollute.
This proposal—the “Bad Neighbor Rule”—is another instance of the agency charged with protecting our environment and health telling industrial polluters it’s okay to spew toxics into our communities.
Protections like these make real improvements in people’s lives and the ecosystems on which we depend. EPA’s own analysis shows that other efforts to reduce interstate air pollution have had massive health benefits: preventing 13,000 to 34,000 premature deaths, 15,000 non-fatal heart attacks, 19,000 hospital and emergency room visits and 1.8 million days of missed work or school per year.
The proposed pollution pass raises serious environmental justice concerns. The downwind areas that would be most impacted by continued pollution are disproportionately home to communities already suffering some of the most severe effects of air pollution.
This is crony corporatism at its worst. It’s also nonsense. EPA says it is taking away protections due to reductions in pollution, but those reductions result from the same rules and programs the agency wants to gut.
Neil Gormley
Staff Attorney

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