01 February 2013

Project Update #11: Rewards shipped forreallyreal, credit where credit is due, and progress 1FEB13

HERE is an update on one of the projects I backed on Kickstarter, Robotboat Mark VI....

Oh hai guuuuys.
We'll have all of the rewards shipped by tomorrow (except the postcards which will be done shortly after the maiden voyage).  If you still haven't gotten something drop me a line.  SHWEW.  We really hope everybody is enjoying the rewards.  We tried to make them special. For those of you who will have inscriptions on the boat, lookout for confirmation in the next few weeks followed by some pictures.
We've heard a lot of good feedback about the rewards, particularly the t-shirts, of which we are especially proud.  Much as we'd like to take credit for the design, the real maestro behind the shirts was my friend Forrest @ Studio One.  I've worked with them on a bunch of projects and I must say, it is always a pleasure.  In our estimation, the keychains came out pretty dang rad too, and in keeping with proper attribution I want to shout outJon @ Imprint Items.  Jon suffered my franticness and rushed to make sure we'd get them in time (despite a few rounds of misunderstandings).  The 3D printed models were made by Stewart @ CRP USA and they are boss.  They are made from the same material we've used all over the place on the Mk VI.  Windform XT is good enough for F1 cars, good enough for Robotboats & satellites (Walt's design btw), good enough for your bathtub.  Like magic.
So with the rewards all sent, we're gonna pack it in, cause this is just too hard and we already have your money...
PSYCH!  I assure you that we're working as hard as we can to push this technology.
The Mk VI is coming along.  We're continuing our tradition of employing top-notch U.S. manufacturers.  May we recommend Solid Concepts for your experimental watercraft needs?  FJB for your prototype weldments?  We've already received almost all of the small parts and some of the big complicated parts.  Below you can see a sweet mast solo and one of the custom made molds for the hulls.
We expect to be on the water in ~1 month (yes we are about a month behind schedule, sorry about that - really thought we were immune, but obviously should have known better, ehem).  We'll keep you posted throughout the assembly/calibration stages and during live trials.  As always dear backers, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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