01 September 2012


lyin' paul ryan and george allen combined their campaign of lies and deception in Richmond, VA yesterday in an attempt to fool the voters of the Commonwealth into supporting them and the rich corporate masters who own and control them. The fact is the only ones who will benefit from their election will be the 1%, they have nothing good to offer the 99% of us. Tim Kaine and Pres Obama are the right choice for Virginia and the nation. 
Richmond, VA - As George Allen and Paul Ryan shared the stage today in Richmond, it is important for Virginia voters to understand the consequences of the Ryan/Allen agenda. When it comes to fiscal responsibility, women’s rights, economic growth, and commitments to important programs like Social Security, Medicare, and student aid, Virginians can’t afford George Allen and Paul Ryan’s radical approach.

“When you look at George Allen’s record in the Senate and Paul Ryan’s record in the House of Representatives, the similarities are striking,” said Kaine for Virginia press secretary Lily Adams. “Like Congressman Ryan, George Allen spent his years in Washington turning an enormous surplus into a massive deficit with trillions in new spending, including four votes to raise his own pay, expensive tax cuts, and two unfunded wars. They both pursued risky Social Security privatization schemes, voted for billions in cuts to Medicare, supported massive cuts to student aid programs like Pell grants, and continue to refuse support for equal pay legislation.  What’s more troubling is that George Allen is advocating more of the same if he’s sent back to Washington.  Under the Ryan plan George Allen has called 'worthwhile,' seniors would pay more for their health care, students would have less assistance for college, and local schools and community projects would be left out to dry.

"In addition, George Allen has promised to extend the Bush tax cuts permanently for the wealthiest Americans, blowing the deficit wide open, and he'd pursue an all cuts approach that would devastate resources for education, workforce development, and other key priorities. What's more, both he and Paul Ryan want to bring ‘personhood’ legislation to the federal level, potentially outlawing some forms of FDA-approved birth control, and defund providers like Planned Parenthood that keep our communities healthy. As George Allen stands alongside Paul Ryan today, Virginians are presented with a very clear choice of moving forward or going back to the failed Allen/Ryan approach.” 

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