12 February 2019


Tell Target Corp: Do better by your employees
I like shopping at Target, or I did until I found out they are just like almost every other company in America, greedy liars and hypocrites. So I am prepared to spend my money somewhere else until Target ends it's policy of cutting employees hours to make them ineligible for paid family leave. Please click the link to sign the Ultraviolet petition to Target to restore paid family leave to their hourly employees and take the time to add a message to Target, here is mine
'I will make my family and friends aware of Target's hypocrisy and will spend my hard earned dollars elsewhere until Target restores paid family leave to it's employees.' 
I also went to Target's facebook page and posted this entire blog post
Target Corporation, one of the biggest employers in the country, is swindling its workers out of paid family leave.
Hourly Target workers across the country--nearly everyone who works at an actual store--are speaking out about a widespread corporate practice of managers slashing hours so employees won't qualify for the company's paid family leave program. This impacts workers like Callie Leamy, a Target employee in Maryland who is 9 months pregnant, will likely get no paid maternity leave after giving birth, and is facing homelessness as a result.1
Target is aware that it has attracted its customers based on its "progressive" reputation. So if Target customers and the public raise an uproar about its scheme to swindle working parents out of family leave, we could force Target to live up to its reputation and actually guarantee ALL employees paid family leave.
Tell Target Corporation: "Stop cheating your workers. Offer 12 weeks of paid family leave to ALL employees, including hourly employees who need it the most."
Sign the petition
Target amassed $71 billion in revenue last year, in part because of its public image as a one-stop shop for families needs.2 And who are the people moving that money into Target executives' and shareholders' pockets? Rank and file Target workers who have families of their own. They deserve the ability to care for a new child.
With all the attention on Target and its reputation for "doing right by America,"3 we can force Target to do right by its hundreds of thousands of workers all over the country--and make a huge splash in the corporate world by demonstrating how "good" companies treat its workers.
And it's important for women that this growing movement for paid parental leave trends in the right direction: in the United States, 60% of women are the primary caregiver responsible for a family member--inadequate access to paid parental leave sets entire families back financially. In fact, over 80% of Black families, 60% of Native families, 50% of Latino families, and 40% of white families depend on the mother as the main breadwinner.4 That means access to better parental leave is essential to reaching economic equality across race lines.
Target is the perfect company to uphold as an example of an employer that values its workers fairly--but only once caring customers successfully push it to treat its workers better, and equally, with 12 weeks of paid family leave.
Thanks for speaking out!
-- Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Holly, Kathy, Susan, Anathea, Audine, Emma, Pilar, Natalie, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Ryan, Sonja, and Noma, the UltraViolet team

PL+US 2018 Employ Scorecard, Paid Leave in the United States, accessed: February 12, 2019
2. Target, Fortune 500, accessed February 12, 2019
3. Just 100: Companies Doing Right By America, Forbes, December 10, 2018
4. Breadwinner Mothers by Race/Ethnicity and State, Institute for Women's Policy Research, September 2016

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