10 September 2011

Tell Congress: Radical environmental attacks have gone too far 8SEP11

REPIGLICAN TEA-BAGGER attacks on our environment are a threat to all of us. Please read this from the League of Conservation Voters and click the link to tell your Representative to vote against this legislation and to protect our environment and us!

Dear Friend,
The House Republican leadership has just upped the ante on their already unprecedented assault on our nation's bedrock environmental laws.
Earlier this summer, House Republican leaders and other pro-polluter lawmakers pushed a series of amendments to the Interior and Environment spending bill that represent the most egregious attack ever on our air, land, water and wildlife. Since the House of Representatives did not reach a final vote on this bill before departing for the August recess we must fight this horrendous legislation right away as members of Congress return to Washington this week.
And make no mistake: this is far and away the worst environmental bill ever. The spending bill contains more than three dozen anti-environment policy measures that have absolutely no place in a budget measure, won't save the country a penny and are nothing more than giveaways to various special interest polluters.
The egregious policy provisions include measures that — if enacted into law — would threaten Americans' lives and well-being by blocking limits on harmful air pollution, increase pollution in sources of drinking water for 117 million Americans and threaten the iconic Grand Canyon with toxic pollution from uranium mining. And these are just a handful of the many dirty and dangerous provisions included in this legislation!
The cuts in this legislation would have a devastating impact on Americans' health and environment. Those cuts include budget reductions of 18 percent for the EPA, 80 percent for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and 21 percent for the Fish and Wildlife Service.
As if the underlying bill weren't harmful enough, we expect members of Congress to offer anti-environmental amendments on the floor that would wreak even greater havoc on Americans' health and environment and keep us dependent on expensive and dangerous energy sources.
Fortunately, President Obama has threatened to veto this harmful legislation, noting that a number of the measures in the bill are "ideological and political provisions that are beyond the scope of funding legislation." However, we cannot afford to let House Republican leaders push this legislation without a fight. We must expose their extreme anti-environment efforts. Click here to e-mail your representative.
Thank you,
Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
© 2011 CREDO. All rights reserved.

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