08 September 2011


PRES Obama's decision on ozone pollution controls is wrong, period. Not only would the law protect the health of all Americans and so lower health care cost it would also put Americans back to work, building the equipment required to cut ozone pollution and installing it. This from Greenpeace....
Watch our new online ad and tell President Obama that dirty air and sick voters won’t win him anything.

The President and his political team are convinced that, no matter what they do, they’ll have the full support of people like you who care about the quality of the air they breathe and the health of their families.

So when he announces that he won’t be enforcing ozone pollution protections that according to the EPA would save 12,000 American lives and ease the health burden of the 24 million people suffering from asthma, he’s hoping not to hear from you.

But he has to. It’s the only way we are going to get the President to stop working for corporate polluters and start working for everyday Americans. 

The President will address the nation tonight about the job situation. Greenpeace has just released a 30 second ad in advance of tonight’s speech that addresses his job situation.

Our goal is to get 20,000 views in the next couple of hours before the President’s speech. We’ll be pushing this video to news media and blogs we know his supporters watch. But we can’t get his attention without you. Check out the video and share it with everyone you know who supported the President in 2008...

He needs to be reminded that in November he is counting on people who care about the environment and the health of their family and loved ones. Not just for votes, but for volunteer hours and everything else that goes into winning a campaign.

This is all about politics and it is sickening. There is still hope. The President just needs to start protecting our health from ozone pollution -- much of which comes from coal-fired power plants -- and stop doing the dirty work of corporate polluters. If you agree, watch the video and share it with your friends.

Thanks for all you do,

Philip Radford
Greenpeace Executive Director

P.S. Forward this message to the people you know who supported the President in 2008. It's the only way we are going to get the message out.
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