16 December 2010

The inhumane conditions of AMERICAN HERO Bradley Manning's detention from SALON 15DEZ10

CHARGES should be brought against the cowards in the U. S.  government and military who have authorized the torture of Bradley Manning at Quantico. We are supposed to be better than this, we are supposed to set the example for freedom and justice. The government's treatment of Bradley Manning exposes the hypocrisy of the American governments commitment to human and civil rights and justice. The question of why charges haven't been brought against the pilots of the helicopter and the commander on the ground in the "Collateral Murder" video should be pressed at every opportunity. The refusal to expedite medical care for the innocent wounded in that attack should warrant charges against the ground commander who refused to order the proper response, but those men are still free. Only Bradley Manning is imprisoned for exposing the war crimes, crimes against humanity and the corrupt and illegal operations of the U.S. military and U.S. government in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas. Our government should be ashamed, especially the Obama administration. Click the header to go to the Bradly Manning website, get his address there to send him a Christmas card,  and there is a link in this article from Salon to donate to his defense fund......

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