08 September 2011


THIS is ridiculous. The cowards in Congress owned by the nra are actually considering a law that would require states to recognize concealed weapons permits granted by other states, so loaded, concealed weapons could be transported across state lines! Keep in mind they AREN'T allowing these weapons to be carried in government offices, oh no, they will not expose themselves to the same risk as the rest of us! Please sign this petition to be delivered to your members of Congress against this stupid and dangerous law, and share with family and friends....

If the gun lobby and their far right allies in Washington, D.C. get their way, Virginia will no longer be able to make its own decisions about who can legally carry a hidden gun.

Domestic abusers, drug addicts, stalkers, people with violent arrest records and even people with absolutely no training who have never held a gun before could be granted a concealed gun permit in another state, and Virginia would have to honor it -- no matter what.

A coalition of more than 600 mayors from across America is mounting an aggressive campaign to stop this dangerous legislation before it becomes law, and I’m asking you to step up and help out.

Join Democracy for America and Mayors Against Illegal Guns in telling Congress -- When it comes to carrying guns in our communities it’s OUR STATE and OUR LIVES, so we should decide OUR LAWS.

Add your name now
Every signature we collect will be hand-delivered to the U.S. House during an important hearing on September 13th -- when the extremists who support the gun-lobby will try to argue for the proposed concealed carry law.

Before that happens, we need to organize as much opposition as possible from real Americans in communities nationwide.

Our petition is about protecting states’ rights and the lives of people in our communities. To make sure Congress hears us, we need you to speak out against this mandatory hidden-gun immunity.

Add your name to stop Congress from trampling your state’s rights and putting police and average citizens at risk right now.

Washington ideologues want to call the shots on local laws that just aren’t their business. Let’s tell them that to protect OUR LIVES, let us decide OUR LAWS.

Thank you for taking action today,

- Charles

Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America

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