17 September 2011


BRAVE NEW FOUNDATION & WAR COST are fighting the lobbyist of the military industrial complex's attempts to influence the deficit reduction "super committee" and prevent cuts in the wasteful, corrupt and fraudulent U.S. defense budget. Here is the latest in their campaign, donate if you can (I did) and share with others. To contact the "super committee" click here  

This was supposed to be a week dominated by war profiteers’ message machine in Washington, D.C., but thanks to your help, we went on offense and forced them to respond to us.
  • We hit the profiteers with a full-page ad in Politico, forcing them to answer reporters’ questions about the job-killing effect of war spending before they were ready to launch their own campaign.
  • We launched a new video exposing military contractors’ moves targeting the deficit committee and, as of Friday night, we’d received more than 10 times the number of views than the war industry’s competing video.
  • Our push netted two front-page stories on The Huffington Post and CBS News coverage, where we exposed the contractors’ effort to keep their profits going at our expense.
This was a hard-fought, rewarding week made possible by your past financial support, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.
We’ve got some sobering news, though: the war profiteers plan to intensify their pro-war-spending campaign. Here’s what their spokesperson said at a press conference on Wednesday:
“The campaign does not intend to be your typical, glitzy, high-on-advertising, short-on-substance, short-term, inside-the-Beltway blitz...This is going to be a sustained effort, in states, in cities, towns, as well as in Washington, to caution the American people and our leaders, of the risks associated with cutting our defense budget further.”
In other words, this fight is just beginning. These corporations are going to use every trick in the book to protect their profits, and we have to be ready. The good news is that there's never been a persistent effort like ours to fight these profiteers at every turn, and if we keep the heat on, we can catch them off-guard.
Thank you for your support. We had a great week this week. We hope you’ll continue your support in the future.
Derrick Crowe, Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team
P.S. If you have not yet done so, please join War Costs on Facebook.

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