15 February 2020

The Supreme Court case that could push abortion out of reach & Defend reproductive rights today 11&14FEB20

65% OF AMERICANS support legal abortion but that isn't going to stop the drumpf / trump-pence administration and the gop / greed over people republican party with the "christian" sharia movement to demand the Supreme Court rule abortion illegal in all circumstances because they have declared life sacred. This same hypocritical group is also cutting funding for all entitlement and social safety net programs ( just check drumpf's / trump's-pence's proposed budget ) that benefit children, the poor, elderly, handicapped, active military and veterans because that is what the republican jesus would do. The ACLU is working with actual pro-life, pro-choice groups to defend Roe v Wade at the Supreme Court and to pressure the U.S. Congress to pass the WHPA / Women's Health Protection Act ( S. 1645/ H.R. 2975 ). Click to find your senators and representative and send them an e mail demanding they support and pass WHPA. Here is the letter I sent....
Cosponsor the Women's Health Protection Act
As your constituent, I urge you to cosponsor the Women's Health Protection Act (S. 1645/ H.R. 2975), which would protect access to abortion at a time when our rights are on the line like never before.
Every day, the future of safe, legal abortion is growing more uncertain as states chip away at our reproductive freedom. Even though the vast majority of Americans support abortion rights, and the Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed a person's constitutional right to access abortion care, politicians around the country are passing laws that delay and obstruct access to care, force providers to close their doors, or ban abortion altogether. We need a federal safeguard to protect everyone's access to abortion, no matter where they live.

I am tired of the hypocrisy of anti-choice politicians and their supporters who advocate outlawing abortion as well as cuts to social safety net programs that provide healthcare, food, housing assistance, education programs and job training for the poor and at risk children and families. These anti-choice people are not pro-life, they are greedy and self-righteous and should not be allowed to impose their immorality on the rest of the nation.

Your action is urgently needed. Cosponsor the Women's Health Protection Act to safeguard our constitutional right to abortion. 

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