23 February 2020

(BACKPFEIFENGESICHT) Ted Cruz takes aim at Alabama vasectomy bill: 'Yikes' & Ted Cruz’s college days as a widely hated masturbator have come back to haunt him.16FEB20 & 13APR16

Image result for images of male vasectomy
HERE'S  a real profile in courage for men and women alike, and no I am not talking about Sen ted cruz r TX, who worked really hard to get his degree in masterbation while at college (per this article in the New Republic). NO, I am talking about Alabama state Rep Rolanda Hollis D. She has introduced legislation in the Alabama mandating all men get a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or right after the birth of his third child. Hopefully just the thought of snip snip will make it impossible for Backpfeifengesicht ted to get it up ever again. He is horrified someone would propose legislation taking control of a man's body away from him! Imagine that!!! Actually, ted's mom should have eaten him right after he was born, she had to know there was and is something really wrong with him. This expose on some men's hypocrisy from The Hill .....

Ted Cruz takes aim at Alabama vasectomy bill: 'Yikes'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took aim at legislation recently introduced in Alabama by a state representative that would, if passed, make it mandatory for certain men to get vasectomies — a bill that comes in response to legislation passed last year that seeks to ban abortion in the state.
“Yikes,” Cruz wrote in response to the bill on Twitter on Sunday morning. “A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything...literally!”

Yikes. A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything...literally! Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child.
Alabama Democrat proposes bill mandating all men have vasectomy at age 50 or after third child -...
State Rep. Rolanda Hollis has filed a bill that would mandate every Alabama man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday

Cruz was referring to legislation introduced by Alabama state Rep. Rolanda Hollis (D) last week that would, if passed, require men to get vasectomies if they are over the age of 50 or have had at least three biological children. 
Cruz’s tweet, which has racked up over 14,000 likes in hours, received even more comments from critics who felt his response proved Hollis’s point behind the measure.
Yes, the government shouldn’t be involved in private reproductive health choices, yes, that’s a great point you made, yes.
Yes. Governments have no business controlling the reproductive systems of citizens. Glad you've finally come around on choice, Senator.

Also, congrats on an epic self-own.
Oh you don’t like big government trying to regulate your body????
Thought you wanted to stop unwanted pregnancies.
“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” a synopsis for Hollis's bill states. "This bill would require a man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first."
In an interview with last week, Hollis said that the legislation comes in response to a law passed in the state last year that seeks to make abortion illegal in almost all case, including in instances of rape or incest. The bill has not yet taken effect after being blocked in court.
“The vasectomy bill is to help with the reproductive system, and yes, it is to neutralize the abortion ban bill ... it always takes two to tango," she told the outlet.
“We can’t put all the responsibility on women. Men need to be responsible also,” she also said.
 Ted Cruz’s college days as a widely hated masturbator have come back to haunt him.
A journalistic investigation into Cruz’s days as solicitor general of Texas has turned into a wider inquiry into the presidential candidate’s self-pleasuring as a college student. Writing in Mother Jones, David Corn reported that while defending a dildo ban in 2003, Cruz’s office issued a statement staying, “There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship.” 
This news provoked Craig Mazin, who was Cruz’s roommate at Princeton in the late 1980s, to issue a tweet that contains perhaps too much information:
Mazin’s tweet provides further proof of a fact amply documented in earlier articles: that Cruz, aside from being a chronic wanker, was intensely unpopular in college. As Patricia Murphy noted in a Daily Beast article:
[S]everal fellow classmates who asked that their names not be used described the young Cruz with words like “abrasive,” “intense,” “strident,” “crank,” and “arrogant.” Four independently offered the word “creepy,” with some pointing to Cruz’s habit of donning a paisley bathrobe and walking to the opposite end of their dorm’s hallway where the female students lived.

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