04 March 2016

EPA PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD TILL 11MAR16: End the oil and gas industry's free pass to spew dangerous chemicals into the air we breathe

Shale deposits with potential for gas fracking are shown here in blue. Actual fracking sites appear as orange, heaviest in the Pennsylvania/New York region featured in Promised Land.
BENZENE is just one of the extremely hazardous chemicals released in the air by fracking and oil and gas drilling operations. The EPA is asking for public comments on their proposed regulations eliminating the loopholes that have allowed this level of air pollution to continue unabated. The last day to comment is 11 MAR 16, click the link to submit your comments to the EPA. This from +Earthjustice ...
TAKE ACTION! End the oil and gas industry’s free pass to spew dangerous chemicals into the air we breathe

Chrisangel Nieto, 3, rides his tricycle in Hartman Park, the Manchester neighborhood of Houston, Texas. The Valero refinery looms in the background and releases over 114,000 lbs. of toxic air pollutants annually. (Eric Kayne/Earthjustice)
Fracking and other oil and gas operations emit chemicals that cause cancer, brain damage and birth defects—often with little or no oversight.

Tell the EPA we need stronger protections from hazardous air pollution now.

Earthjustice has been fighting for decades in the courts and on Capitol Hill to defend the fundamental right to clean, breathable air. Along the way we’ve won major victories, but the oil and gas industry is still doing everything in its power to keep up its business-as-usual pollution.
In 2012 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began the job of trying to reduce toxic air pollution from the oil and gas industry. Now the agency is finally trying to finish what it started by asking the public to weigh in as it considers strengthening protections for the air we breathe.
Across the country, people live just a few hundred feet from oil and gas infrastructure that spews dangerous pollution like benzene freely into the air. In cities like Los Angeles and Houston, companies can even emit these carcinogenic, brain-damaging chemicals right next door to homes, schools and playgrounds.
The EPA has the duty and the tools to close the loopholes that allow the oil and gas industry to blanket our communities in a fog of pollution, but the agency needs to hear from you now.

Emma Cheuse
Staff Attorney

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