05 April 2013

Maddow: Senate GOP joins North Korea, Syria and Iran in opposition to UN arms treaty 4APR13

BRILLIANT! The very countries we see as a threat to our national security, Iran, N Korea and Syria, are the one the nra has allied our Congress with in opposition to the UN Arms Trade Treaty. So nra members and supporters who support the nra controlled Senators who are against ratification of this treaty must be supporters of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, war on the Korean peninsula and the destruction of Israel. SO we can thank the nra for the next mass shooting in the U.S. as well as the next act of terrorism or attempted terrorism and if an actual shooting war with N Korea develops. And they call themselves patriotic Americans! From Raw Story......

Maddow screenshot
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Thursday night criticized Republicans in the Senate for believing in a conspiracy theory about the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty.
“It seems like Republicans and conservatives and people who voted for Mitt Romney are more susceptible than the rest of America to conspiracy theories, especially about people being out to get them,” she remarked. “And looking at the way the elected Republicans approach governing right now might be a clue as to why Republicans are more susceptible to conspiracies than the rest of us.”
The UN General Assembly on Tuesday approved a treaty to regulate the multibillion-dollar international weapons trade. The first-of-its-kind treaty attempts to prevent tanks, missiles, helicopters, warships, small arms, and other weapons from being sold to human rights abusers or terrorist groups.
But Senate Republicans and a few conservative Democrats plan to oppose the treaty because they believe it is a plot to implement new gun control laws in the United States. The Senate needs a super-majority of 67 votes to ratify the treaty.
“Our country is almost certain to end up on the same side of the issue as… Iran, Syria and North Korea,” Maddow observed.
“Conspiracy theories can be fun, but when they start seeping into the way one of our two political parties approaches basics of governing, they’re less fun. Maybe we should give the lizard people a shot at running things around here?”
Watch video, courtesy of MSNBC, below:

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