07 May 2011

Report from Taiji from SEA SHEPHERD 4MAI11

While the actions of the thugs of Taiji, Japan don't represent all Japanese the tolerance of their actions by the citizens and government of Japan, their economic support of the slaughter of whales and dolphins takes away from the sympathy many feel for them after the earthquake of two months ago. This from Sea Shepherd, click the header to go to the post on the website to see the video......

Sneaky Bastards

Dead babyDead baby
The Taiji Town officials would have us believe that they are being magnanimous by foregoing their spring whale hunt in order to send their two coastal whaling vessels to help out their brethren in the north.  What a load of crap.
While it may be true that their boats are up north, we are hearing reports that some sort of whale was killed in Taiji Town yesterday and today the molesters drove a pod of (possible) pilot whales into the cove.  After a big show in late February of removing the banger poles and taking down the veil of tarps, the poles and tarps are back.  When I showed up at the cove this afternoon the molesters went into a frenzied panic and began setting up lights and adding extra nets around the corralled cetaceans.
I estimate there are at least 50 and likely many more in the nets.  All the preparations are in place for an early morning slaughter and a baby has already died.  Perhaps it died from exhaustion or got tangled in the net enclosure.
These so called men are sick individuals.  Has there not been enough death and destruction in these islands over the past few weeks?  Let’s not forget about all of the highly radioactive water that is continuing to be pumped into the ocean.  Not only are whales and dolphins contaminated with mercury, but now there is the threat of radiation too.
The officials claim they have a “season” on pilot whales that goes through the end of May.  How convenient is that?
Today was a holiday in Japan.  The weather in Taiji was gorgeous.  There were overflow crowds at the whale museum and children played in the gravel at water’s edge in the cove.  Meanwhile, an entire family unit of wild and grand creatures with complex social behaviors and intelligence far beyond that of humans was being held captive and awaiting death just yards away.  There is something seriously wrong with this picture.
For the Oceans,

Scott West
captured pilot whales captured pilot whales
Captured pilot whales
Gates of HellGates of Hell Molesters setting lightsMolesters setting lights

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