13 February 2014

An expiration date for wind energy? Tell Your Senators: Act Now to Keep Wind Power Growing 3FEB14

INSTEAD of continuing the tax breaks and subsidies for dirty fossil fuels (see my earlier post A Big Fracking Lie & Speak out against Dominion's Cove Point fracked gas export terminal 21JAN&13FEB14 )
and nuclear energy we should be investing in renewable, clean energy, conservation and upgrading our national power grid, creating thousands of middle class wage jobs in the U.S. The Union of Concerned Scientist offers the chance for you to tell your Senators to renew the tax credit for wind energy projects, just click the link, and if you are unsure what to tell your Senators here's my letter to my Senators, Tim Kaine D VA & Mark Warner D VA.....

I am proud of the fact that our nation is now home to enough wind energy to power more than 15 million homes.

Wind energy is delivering on its promise to enhance energy security and power economic growth. Nearly 75 percent of wind turbine equipment installed in the United States is made in America, and the wind energy industry employs more than 80,000 Americans full time.

More good paying American jobs will be created once the PTC is extended, more than would be realized from the keystone xl and from continuing tax credits and subsidies for dirty fossil fuels and nuclear energy. We know our future lies with clean, renewable energy as well as investing in conservation and upgrading our national energy grid to be safer and more energy efficient.

You need to find the courage to stand up to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries and end their federal tax breaks and subsidies. Our future depends on your voting for extending the PTC for wind power and American people support this program. I am a member of the Sen Elizabeth Warren wing of Bold Progressives of the Democratic Party and I will remember your vote on this issue.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Don't Let Wind Energy Jobs Expire
Support wind power
Wind energy now powers millions of American homes and thousands of American jobs. But Congress has allowed the Production Tax Credit to expire, limiting wind energy's growth. Tell your senators to act now to keep wind power growing.
Tell Your Senators: Act Now to Keep Wind Power Growing
In 2012, wind energy emerged as the nation's number one new source of electricity for the first time. But uncertainty about a key incentive for producing renewable energy—the Production Tax Credit (PTC), which was allowed to expire at the end of 2012, briefly renewed, and then allowed to expire again at the end of 2013—caused new installations of wind energy to fall more than 90 percent in 2013. Now, the future of the wind energy industry is at stake.
Fossil fuel interests want Congress to end support for one of the primary drivers of wind energy, while continuing outdated subsidies for coal, natural gas, and oil. For the sake of our climate and economy, we can't let this losing scenario become reality. We need to continue to ramp up renewable energy to create new jobs, defend our health, and protect the environment.
And we will. Congress has voted to renew the PTC each time it has expired in the past, but only after hearing from citizens like you who know the facts and support clean energy. We just need your senators to take the first step.
David Anderson
David Anderson
Outreach Coordinator
Climate & Energy Program
Union of Concerned Scientists

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