15 June 2020

FASCIST REACTION TO THIS HEADLINE; Coronavirus Update: Loudoun County has seen four new deaths, 290 new cases over the past week 14JUN20

THIS headline isn't unusual in Loudoun County, Virginia or across the country while we deal  with the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately the right wing neo-nazi fascist comments posted are not unusual either. The covidiots express their voluntary ignorance in defense of the inadequate response to the pandemic by (NOT MY) pres drumpf / trump and his administration, but who they gonna call when they get Covid-19? From the Loudoun Times.....

June 14 Coronavirus Update: Loudoun County has seen four new deaths, 290 new cases over the past week

  • Updated 
Loudoun County has seen 290 new cases of COVID-19 over the past week, with four new related deaths reported, according to the Virginia Department of Health.
Local percent positivity in testing stood at 12 percent as of June 10, the most recent day data is available. 
Loudoun County has had 71 deaths related to the virus, 3,384 cases and 204 hospitalizations.
Statewide, the commonwealth has seen 3,825 new cases and 74 new deaths over the past week. Virginia has seen 1,546 deaths altogether since the outbreak began, 54,506 confirmed cases and 5,536 hospitalizations.
More than 800,000 Virginians have filed initial unemployment claims in the past 12 weeks, according to the Associated Press.
In Loudoun, the unemployment rate stands around 10 percent, the highest of the century.
The county entered phase two of the commonwealth's reopening plan this weekend. (Click here for more details about the second phase.)
“It is important to recognize that while the steps Loudoun residents have taken over the past two months to reduce the spread of infection have caused the health metrics to head in the right direction and allowed us to move to Phase Two of the reopening plan, the potential for exposure to COVID-19 remains present in our community,” Loudoun County Health Director David Goodfriend said in a prepared statement Thursday. “So, I continue to recommend that older adults and people with underlying health conditions use extra caution in public, and ask that all of us remain vigilant in practicing infection control measures that include washing hands frequently, staying home when sick, maintaining six foot distances when possible and wearing face coverings in public to help keep us headed in the right direction.”
I suspect what we're going to see now is an organized attempt by the Left to RE-politicize this pandemic.
Infections and deaths are increasing following the mass gatherings of bored people a/k/a protestors. And the conversation will be directed back toward the Federal response.
In other words.... OrangeManBad... he killed grandma.
They got mileage out of it the first time. Then they felt the need to don SJW combat gear and go out and spread the virus among the community at a time when cases were on the decline.
And now the chickens are coming home to roost, so they need to scream about Federal this and POTUS that.
Shallow, obvious and pathetic.
Executive leadership is at the core of business failures; it's at the core of government failures as well. Trump is the executive of this country; his inadequate early response in marshaling federal resources to the covid warnings put the US squarely on a track to fail in containment and force economic suffering. To blame this on the opposition party and local/state officials is about the most nonsensical and patently ridiculous statement you can make. They had to compensate for the president's failures.
The closures, restrictions and economic hardship could have been so much less had the pres acted sooner. Remember, he's the one who said "it's only one case...its only 15 cases....we've got it totally under control." If you're asking what I would do, just read the long-existing government plans for how to handle a pandemic crafted during the previous admin. It was moronic and juvenile to ignore those documents simply because trump didn't like anything his predecessor did.
A couple of real quick questions...
Did China lie to the WHO in mid January about human-to-human transmission of COvid19?
Did Biden and the Democrats/MSM call POTUS "Xenophobic" and "Racist" after he suspended most flight from China?
Ok, thanks.
Increased testing likely increases number of cases
Protests likely to increase number of cases
Foxy Brown 
We live and breathe in with it. Lord help us
Rioting is ok, going to the playground is too risky. This logic makes sense in democrat la la land.
Again, the virus doesn't affect looters, rioters, people who burn down businesses, people who don't have jobs and are on welfare thanks to liberalism and losers that have been in office for half a damn century and of course as pointed out it's only one person responsible? The lack of responsibility here and the hypocrites that claim they care about lives when millions of Black American lives are snuffed out in the womb each year is nothing short of a pandemic. All this President has done is make people successful by stripping away the evil of liberal big government regulation and taxation. OK LTM, please post all deaths and hospitalization for all diseases and all causes. Or are you telling all of us that no one has died of anything but COVID??? So Northam wants unemployment to at least 30% here in Loudoun. Well for those of us that have to work I guess we will be keeping our tax money. Northam must be kicked out of office and we must vote all liberals out. Trump wants Growth, Prosperity, Safety, Freedom, Inner City Reformation, Lower taxes, Less Government and traitors like Comey to be held accountable for his collusion with Russia and the DNC. If you have a problem with any of the above. Take the next plane you can find out of this country and don't come back.
Absolutely agree with "hardworking American. Vote all libs out. They are the main problem.
"hardworkingamerican" might consider it's own advise given in the last sentence of it's post since it doesn't want opposition to (not my) pres drumpf / trump. It would be much happier being governed by one dictators drumpf / trump has expressed admiration for like kim, putin, xi, saud, authoritarian countries where freedom and democracy do not exist. I'm not leaving because of someone's fascist rant, I'm staying and helping defend our democratic republic by actively exercising my civil liberties and human righrs.
How on earth you can assign blame for the pandemic and it’s response a single individual is beyond me. That you be so ignorant to believe one man is responsible shows the depth of stupidity in our area and our country. This tidal wave of a virus would have decimated the same number of people regardless of the asshat in chief. Damn sheep.
We must avoid a future repeat of the failed public health response and consistently poor oval office decision-making that has deeply hurt America.
The Bible-as-a-photo-prop, use the Generals and cadets as a photo-op president/ must be replaced and the current senate majority relegated to the minority.
Nothing less will be enough.
Well said!!!
Guess Again 
Only Trump can fix it. Remember that howler?
There is nothing of any value that can be shared.
There is nothing of value that you could share?
For the LackofCommonSense poster. It's easy to play arm-chair quarterback. Please tell all of us specifically what your concerns are and come to the table with solutions to these concerns. Just don't tell us it includes a presidential candidate who cannot remember what he did yesterday and who's own party wants him to hide in a basement. If you can't present solutions no one can take your comments seriously.
Got it.
I’m sure sleepy, dementia joe will totally fix everything. The best photo op were dems appropriating African garb. Clowns.
I don;t remember the oval office promoting protests. In another week our numbers will most likely be higher because of the protests. This is not a political issue, it is up to ALL of us to practice, social distancing, war masks etc.
Guest--thank you very much for you statement. It is up to all of us to practice proper precautions to help mitigate the spread of the virus (social distancing, wearing a mask, proper hygiene). It really isn't a political issue, contrary to some people.
For the familes of the four people who died due to COVID 19, I am very sorry for your loss and hope that you find comfort/solace during this trying time. God Bless.

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