18 November 2016

Save our shores — FOREVER: Tell President Obama to use his authority to permanently protect the Arctic and Atlantic oceans before Drumpf/Trump takes over 18NOV16

Image result for photos oil spills
WE are not going to be able to stop all the environmental degradation drumpf/trump-pence and the republican congress will inflict on our nation and the world. BUT we can take action to save the most vulnerable areas, and this petition calls on Pres Obama to permanently protect the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from offshore drilling. Please sign and share. From +League of Conservation Voters .....
League of Conservation Voters
Arctic and Atlantic offshore drilling is OFF the table … but not forever. We need permanent protection before Trump takes office. Act now »

Petition to President Obama:

"Thank you for protecting the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from offshore drilling for the next five years! Keeping dirty fuels in the ground is essential to fighting climate change and accelerating our transition to clean energy, but with Trump about to take over we must go further. We must permanently protect these oceans."
Add your name:

Huge news, Craig!

President Obama just finalized the offshore drilling plan for the next five years, and Atlantic AND Arctic drilling are both off the table!

LCV Members like you fought tooth and nail over the last year to protect these oceans, and President Obama listened.

But the fight is not over.

These protections only exist for the next five-years, and they are almost certainly going to be challenged by President-elect Trump. He could not only put drilling in the Atlantic and the Arctic back in the mix, but expand drilling beyond.

We need PERMANENT protection for the Arctic and Atlantic, and we need it now, before Trump takes office.

Save our shores — FOREVER: Tell President Obama to use his authority to permanently protect the Arctic and Atlantic oceans before Trump takes over »

Between Trump’s administration — which could include names like Sarah “Drill, Baby, Drill” Palin and Big Oil billionaire Howard Hamm — and a Congress controlled by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, it looks increasingly likely that Big Polluters will have free rein over our environment … unless we stop them.

President Obama has the authority to establish permanent protections for the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. He can safeguard our climate and our coastal communities and bring America one step closer to a clean energy future. But he must act now.

President Obama has taken historic action to address climate change. And he’s protected more lands and waters than any president in history. Now he has an opportunity to further cement his environmental legacy by taking the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans off the table for offshore drilling forever.

For the last year, LCV members have joined our state partners, coastal residents, businesses, and elected officials in saying no to new offshore drilling. We can accomplish permanent protections for the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, but only with you on our side.

Please, don’t put this off — tell President Obama to permanently protect the Arctic and the Atlantic from Big Oil while we still can.

Craig — with Donald Trump and his anti-environment cronies headed to Washington, permanently protecting our oceans from offshore drilling has to be a huge priority.

Thank you for speaking out,

Kristin Brown
Director of Digital Strategy
League of Conservation Voters

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