06 January 2011

Whoops! GOP violates Constitution the day they read the Constitution 6JAN11

THIS is just too perfect to be true, but it is, and typical of the ignorance and hypocrisy of the gop and the tea-baggers in the House......
Whoops! GOP violates Constitution the day they read the Constitution
Rep. Pete Sessions, R-TX
No, they didn't refuse to extradite some fugitive slaves. They just acted like duly elected Representatives without being sworn in!
The new Republican majority already committed a major boehner on the second day of the new Congress. Representatives Pete Sessions of Texas and Mike Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania were busy attending a fundraiser when all their colleagues were actually sworn in as members of Congress. So, whoops, they're not members yet. No biggies, right? Wrong! Because then they both showed up to work and cast some votes, in direct violation of our Constitution, which they then participated in the official reading of, on the floor of the House.
Sessions even chaired the Rules Committee while he wasn't a member, because in 2011, all jokes will officially write themselves.
AND from the WP's Happy Hour Roundup
Did anyone else notice that GOP Reps. Michele Bachmann and Steve King -- both Tea Party chieftains who routinely wrap themselves and their policy preferences in the Constitution -- were conspicuously absent from today's reading? My understanding is that the arrangement was first-come-first-serve, so all you had to do to read is show up early.
Maybe they had good reasons for missing the reading. But given that Bachmann and King never miss a chance to bask in the Constitution's reflected glory, you'd think they would have done all they could to ensure that they participated in such a momentous ritualistic honoring of our founding document. After all, many of those Constitution-despising Democrats were able to find the time to show up.

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