11 November 2011 can find a good-guy bank with BANXODUS

HERE is a tool to help you find a good guy bank if you are interested in moving your money, from the good people at BoldProgressives..... 
"No one can serve two masters. If you try, you will wind up loving the first master and hating the second, or vice versa. People try to serve both God and money— but you can’t. You must choose one or the other."
- Matthew 6:24

"Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right."
- 2 Thessalonians 3:13
New Logo: Banxodus!!!
Click here to use our new Banxodus tool to find a good-guy bank near you -- or share intel about local banks with others.
And share this groundbreaking new online tool on Facebook by clicking here. And pass this email to others!
The New York Times reports:
"A site going online...aims to use crowdsourcing to provide more detailed information about both credit unions and community banks. Banxodus, an effort by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, says it has more than 7,500 institutions in its database, which was created with the help of a few thousand volunteer researchers."
Check out Banxodus today! And spread the word on Facebook!
-- Michael Snook, PCCC Chief Information Officer & Ethan Jucovy, Web Applications Developer

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