26 September 2024


 THIS is banned books week, the week neo-nazi fascist right wing "religious" extremist like moms for liberty channel hitler, himmler, goring, goebbels and other nazis to boost their campaign to destroy our democratic Republic by controlling what we and the children of America are able to read. Along with the usual list, despite hearing about novels such The Handmaid's TaleThis Book Is GayThe Bluest EyeAll Boys Aren't Blue, and Nineteen Minutes being banned, the most frequently banned book of all time is George Orwell's 1984. The right-wing conservatives have hated this book so much because it depicts much of their agenda.  moms for liberty is putting forth and supporting candidates for library boards and school boards across the country. Do some research and expose these candidates and work to make sure they are not elected. Remember the words of German author and playwright Heinrich Heine's 1821 play 'Almansor', "Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen." ("That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also.") Heine wrote a prophetic warning of the degradation of German society in his 'The History Of Religion And Philosophy In Germany' in 1834, 99 years before hitler and the nazi party took power in 1933.

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