27 January 2019

Facial recognition is DANGEROUS! 27JAN19

GEORGE ORWELL did warn us about the authoritarian state the drumpf / trump - pence administration, most republican politicians as well as corporate America and the military-industrial complex are working together to impose on the United States. The early warning signs of fascism (listed above) are predominant in this administration, all levels of American government and throughout the board rooms of corporate America. SO those who love democracy and our representative Republic continue to fight to protect it. Please click the link to sign the petition from Demand Progress telling google, microsoft and amazon not to sell facial recognition technology to the American or any other government.
George Orwell warned us about this – but tech companies aren’t listening. Instead, the biggest giants in Silicon Valley are developing facial recognition technologies with disastrous and even deadly consequences.
Facial recognition technology could allow law enforcement to identify anyone showing up to a protest, walking into a place of worship, or even casually going about their day within seconds.
And while we may have the impulse to think “well, I have nothing to hide,” here’s some unsettling news: facial recognition is still dangerously inaccurate at telling women and people of color apart from each other. What results are higher proportions of false-positives for anyone who isn’t a white man.1
Even under the best, well-intentioned political climate, facial recognition technology can be disastrously exploited to persecute women, minorities, or anyone who expresses their political opinion. But guess what: we’re not in the best, well-intentioned political climate. We have Trump in office while investigations continue into whether he colluded with the Russian government during his campaign and obstructed justice by covering it up. Elsewhere around the world, we’re witnessing a troubling rise in authoritarianism.
Now is the exact wrong time to equip any government with faulty technology that allows corrupt politicians to violate privacy rights and unfairly target any demographic minority they decide to scapegoat.
That’s why we’re joining with 90 other civil rights organizations to call on tech companies to stand on the right side of history and stop selling facial recognition technology to any government. Join us: tell Amazon, Microsoft and Google to stop selling facial recognition technology to any government.
Thanks for taking action,

Tihi and the team at Demand Progress
1. New York Times, “Facial Recognition Is Accurate, if You’re a White Guy,” February 9, 2018.

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