07 September 2017

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Your House

Image result for garfield and spiders
I haven't seen a spider in my house for a couple of months but this cooler weather will have them trying to get in and then they will be stalking me, trying to hide their webs behind and under furniture while communicating my movements by plucking their web strands using frequencies so low they are only heard by other spiders and elephants. The most dangerous time is when I go to bed because I know spiders try to get to the bedroom because they know that is where I am must vulnerable....once I go to sleep they can come out, blood stained fangs dripping with venom.....BUT I digress, and am creeping myself out.

Spiders can be extremely clever and difficult to get rid of.

If you’ve been wondering why you’re seeing more spiders and webs right in mid-summer and August than the rest of year, you can blame it on the natural ebb and flow of the seasons.
Mid-summer is that magical time when a spider’s biological clock starts ticking, and the urge to extend their species overcomes them. Male spiders are coming out struttin’ their stuff and parading around living rooms full of bravado seeking that special spider.
So how do I get rid of spiders in and around my home?
Spiders are tricky little guys and are extremely clever and mostly solitary creatures. It’s difficult to eliminate something that is small, can slip into wall voids and is hiding from you. But there are a few things you can do to keep their populations down and under control.

1. Keep a clean home

The best way to get rid of spiders is not to let them into the house to begin with, and minimize where they can hang out. Make sure clothes and items are picked up and kept off the floor; the more areas to hide, the more desirable the area. Most spider bites occur when items of clothing (like shoes) are put on without being inspected first. 
This is more likely to happen when shoes are left outside. Regularly clean and wipe away any webs that may be forming, and remember webs can form quickly. The more webs you knock down, the more likely the spider will look elsewhere to build.

2. A clean yard impedes spiders

Mow your grass regularly and get ready to rake in those leaves this fall. Tall grass and leafy coverage are prime spots for spiders.
Don’t give them a place to hide, and they’ll hide somewhere else. This goes for vegetation around your house as well, make sure it’s neatly trimmed regularly. Wood piles attract spiders, so make sure any logs or piles of firewood are kept away from the sides of your house. 
Sweep down any forming webs as soon as you see them, the more you destroy a web the more the spider will see that it is not the most ideal spot to build one.

3. Peppermint prevents spiders

Spiders apparently don’t enjoy the so fresh and so clean smell of peppermint. You can purchase peppermint oil at your local grocery store or Walmart. It’s in the candle section where I tend to spend most of my time.

4. Horse chestnuts may work

If you’re pet free and it’s a general rule in your household not to eat things found on the ground, place horse chestnut pieces in the corner of you basement.
I’m not entirely convinced that this actually works, but it has been said, and why not just try it? Let me know.

5. Rinse and repeat

Number five is the new number one. Cleaning and maintaining your home is the most important and effective rule. Not only are you saving your self from spiders, you’re saving yourself from a load of other pests.
A well maintained home and yard are absolutely your best defense when preventing unwanted pests from entering your home.

6. Remove spider food source: insects

Everyone needs to eat, and spiders are no exception. They go where the food is, and most spiders hunt bugs. So make sure you regularly use pesticides and pest control measures and remove all traces of human food debris. By frequently vacuuming and sanitizing your home, you discourage web building and limit insect invasion. 

7. Percussive maintenance

Spiders are resistant to many pesticides, and their ability to build webs high up and keep themselves from touching the ground gives them further protection. If it comes to it, the best way to get rid of a spider is the old-fashioned shoe or rolled-up newspaper. Otherwise, ask your licensed pest control professional for guidance on how to exterminate spiders.

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