09 September 2016

Sign before 20 SEP 16 to Tell President Obama: Stop Auctioning off Public Waters and Lands! 8SEP16

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CLIMATE CHANGE has brought death and destruction across the U.S.,  most recently with the widespread flooding in Louisiana, yet our federal government is planning another auction of public lands in the Gulf of Mexico to big oil and gas. Our government should be investing in renewable, clean energy and conservation, not encouraging more production of fossil fuels. Please add your name to this petition to Pres Obama to cancel the 20 SEP 16 auction of public lands to big oil and gas companies, click the link to sign on before 20 SEP 16. From +Greenpeace USA and the, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Climate Hawks Vote, Corporate Accountability International, Courage Campaign, Daily Kos, Food & Water Watch, Franciscan Action Network, Friends of the Earth, GreenFaith, GreenLatinos, NextGen Climate, Other98, People's Action, Rainforest Action Network, The Nation, The Natural History Museum, The Power Shift Network and

Don’t let our public lands and waters be sold to the highest bidder.

Take Action

Send a message to President Obama today telling him to protect our public lands and waters from the fossil fuel industry!

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Residents of Louisiana just lived through what is likely the worst US climate disaster since Hurricane Sandy, as tens of thousands lost their homes to historic flooding.

This disaster should have been YET ANOTHER wake-up call to keep climate-change-causing fossil fuels in the ground, but the Obama administration carried on with business as usual, continuing to auction off more Gulf waters to the fossil fuel industry.

Gulf residents are speaking out, but they need your support! Tell President Obama to stop auctioning off public lands and waters to the fossil fuel industry TODAY.

In New Orleans this summer, Gulf activists stormed the Superdome, disrupting a federal auction to lease Gulf waters to oil and gas companies. A week after the floods, hundreds of people gathered in New Orleans again for a march to say “Another Gulf is Possible.”

In response to these peaceful protests, the industry is moving auctions online, where company representatives can bid on public lands and waters without actually having to see or listen to the public. And despite signing a groundbreaking climate agreement in Paris, the Obama administration has allowed yet another auction of public land set for September 20.

Tell President Obama that fossil fuel companies should not be allowed to use public lands and waters to create more climate disruption.

Climate change is already here, and thousands of people are already suffering. If President Obama is serious about slowing down climate change and preventing even more disasters, he has to #KeepItInTheGround.

Thank you,

Rebecca Gerber
Greenpeace USA Climate Team

P.S. We've joined with 19 other environmental and progressive organization to generate as many messages to the President as possible. Make sure your message to President Obama is sent BEFORE the September auction!Tell President Obama to stop auctioning off our public lands and waters today.

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