22 August 2014


2014 Midterm elections. Many bitch about the state of our nation, about a do nothing Congress, about the agenda of the left, right, Republicans, Democrats, tea-baggers, and yet will return their Representative and Senators to office. And too many will not vote! Before casting a ballot in November people need to take a look at their district and state and really consider if their elected officials on Capital Hill and in our state legislatures and governors offices are representing their best interest by representing the best interest of those who contribute the most to their campaigns. Are jobs being created in your district and state or do they continue to leave the country? Is the infrastructure continuing to disintegrate or are improvements and upgrades being made? Are your districts schools adequately funded or overcrowded, under-supplied and in disrepair? Are the social safety net programs needed by so many fully funded and available or are the retired, the poor, and working poor being left to fend for themselves? Do you see news reports from Third World countries and look out your window and see little difference between the situation in those countries and your community? Maybe it is time for all of us to take a honest look at who our elected officials are representing and vote for a change. And for too many of us maybe it is time to get registered and to vote. 

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