23 June 2011

When the GOP doubled down on crazy 22JUN11

WHAT is really disturbing is that the heritage foundation cloaks it's advocacy of  greed and lust for power in it's claim to being a Christian organization, when in fact the very policies it lobbies for are in direct conflict with the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are the wolves in sheep's clothing scripture warns the Church about, and it is sad that so many Christians willingly turn their back on the basic tenants of Christianity, justifying their attitudes and actions on what they hear from hannity, limbaugh, beck, and the mass mailings from the heritage foundation, freedom works and the like. These people, these Christians, will not have to wait for the final judgement to be punished for their attitudes and actions, with the extreme right wing gaining power they will soon experience the fruits of their labors, loosing both the economic and political power they have been deceived in believing they will gain. They will be tossed aside "as filthy rags" (a reference from scripture for them) once the rich are done using them to achieve their objectives. Unfortunately the rest of us are going to be dragged down with them. From Salon....
The end of the Bush presidency could have prompted some serious self-examination on the right. But it didn't

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