29 April 2010


I love to be to be in the woods, or at the beach, camping, just out. Don't mind the bugs, occasional snake.....sweating, or having to go a couple of days without showering if no shower or bath is available. I just love the outdoors. So a few years ago I was invited to a weekend party at Jane's at her place up on a mountain outside Star Tannery, VA. She said plan on camping there, but the well water was limited so all guys have to pee outside (what guy doesn't prefer to pee outside?) and no indoor showers but there would be sun showers available. And she said to bring Russ.
Russ was game only for the weekend party and camping only after I told him there would be sun showers available. A the time Russ had longer hair and he kept it in place and under control at all he packed all the shampoo and conditioner and spritzs and gel needed for his wig, since he was going to be able to wash his hair in the sun shower.......I really thought he knew what a sun shower is. He was horrified after we got up on the mountain and he saw the sun shower....and no he didn't use it, but he couldn't leave either, because I drove. Speaking of which, I managed to get a speeding ticket on Rt. 7 West of Leesburg on the way out, thank you very much.....and I wasn't going all that fast....I was driving a Horizon for goodness sake!
So we get there and are partying with everyone else, a very cool group and there was a band and everything and well after sunset we realized we hadn't set up our tent. Buzzing, in the dark, there we were, crawling around trying to set up this little tent that I had never set up before (it was left at my apartment by an old room-mate, didn't give it back to him because he ended up owing me some money for bills)and finally a couple of bull dykes heard us cursing and laughing in the dark and came and set it up for us. Thank God! So back to the party...
Much later I had to I wandered into the woods behind the tents and peed, and then stopped by our cooler and stuck my hands in the ice water and washed them off cause they were pretty dirty from the fire and wood and all....
It got pretty late, and Russ decided he was gonna go to bed......and a few minutes after he left the fire I decided I would too, so wandered back to the tent. Just as I rounded the corner to our our tent I saw Russ scoop a cup of ice water from our cooler and before I could say anything he started gulping it down. I yelled 'Russ, don't drink that, I washed my hands in the cooler water after I peed!'
I will never forget the look of horror, disgust and revulsion that passed over his face.....and he threw the cup down and I was on the ground howling, rolling with laughter...while Russ was so grossed out......I can't help it, this happened years ago and it still makes me laugh out loud.....
Russ never went camping with me again......

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