"If you focus for 21 days on getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, then this will likely become a habit going forward," Glassman said.
When asked what one can do today -- immediately -- to start changing their life, she said, quite simply, to breathe.
"You can do the eight-count breath ... breathe in for eight counts and out for eight counts," she said. "This will help you reduce stress and ultimately lose weight. This is something you can start doing right now."
In addition to eight rules for losing weight and changing one's life forever, Glassman's book is also packed with recipes for dishes designed to be part of any weight-loss strategy.
So what are the rules? Here's a brief rundown.
1. Eat more, not less. Glassman says that eating well isn't about avoiding bad foods but is instead about eating healthy foods. In particular, her go-to foods include sweet potatoes, red grapefruit and yogurt.
2. Breathe your way thin. Do breathing exercises to reduce stress. Also reduce stress by eating stress-fighting foods such as cashews and oatmeal.
3. Sip your way slim. Drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce servings of water each day.
4. Don't get stuck at the gym. Glassman says that until you find an activity you enjoy, exercise is no more fun than flossing your teeth.
5. Feel sexy to slim down. A lack of sex may be sabotaging your diet. Sex is linked to well-being. It also boosts oxytocin, a hormone that helps you manage stress and sleep more soundly.
6. Put yourself first. Glassman says that people often pamper themselves with food. But instead you should find real ways of pampering yourself that won't make you feel guilty later.
7. Always sleep alone. Get at least seven hours of sleep a night and banish all electronics -- your phone, iPad and TV -- so that your bed is simply for sleeping and, of course, for sex.
8. Clean out your closet. If there is clutter on your desk and nightstand, you will become distracted and unable to follow the other seven rules on this list.
Do you agree with these rules? Let us know in the comments section below.

Healthy Food Habits For Optimum Brain Health
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