01 December 2011

Tell Congress: no bank immunity without investigation! from PCCC 30NOV11

THE movement to deny the financial-banking industry cabal immunity is gaining steam, and government officials are paying attention. The recent court decision rejecting the SEC's deal with citi is a victory for the people, the 99% who have been suffering through this recession due to the wanton greed of wall street. Check this out from the PCCC and add your voice by clicking the header or link and making a call to your Representative in D.C. (I did)....

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

As you know, Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) introduced a resolution opposing the proposed Wall Street deal that would give big banks immunity -- for crimes that haven't been investigated yet.
So far, over 54,000 PCCC members and 32 members of Congress have signed on!
Your representative, Frank Wolf, has not co-sponsored the resolution yet. Can you call now and ask him to sign on? (We'll give you the number and script.)
The banks must be held accountable for their massive fraud. They have foreclosed on thousands of American homes without even being able to prove they owned the mortgages, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
We won't know the full extent of criminal foreclosures unless investigations can go forward, but this proposed deal would stop investigations and let banks off the hook.
The more members of Congress sign on to Baldwin's resolution, the more pressure the Justice Department and state Attorneys General will feel to avoid a bad deal -- and to keep the investigations going.
Please call Rep. Wolf now to ask him to sign on to Tammy Baldwin's resolution. It takes just 30 seconds, and we'll give you the number and script to use!
As always, we'll keep you posted on our progress.
-- Stephanie Taylor, Adam Green, Conor Kennedy, Jordan Krueger, Kristiane Skolman, and the PCCC team

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