14 November 2017

Call your Representative today and tell them that they need to abandon their the GOP tax plan. Their tax plan would increases taxes for working families while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. 14NOV17

THE gop greed over people party is planning on voting on 
Your House member is a potential deciding vote as Congress votes on the Trump tax cut for corporations and billionaires as early as this week. The current version of the legislation limits state and local tax deductibility for working families while providing huge tax cuts for corporations and billionaires. No matter if your representative is a Republican or Democrat, elimination of your tax deduction while providing huge cuts for the wealthy may lead them to vote NO. It is especially critical Republican representatives hear from their constituents as their party leadership have written this legislation and are pushing for it to pass in the House.
Call your representative NOW and demand a NO vote for this giveaway to the rich while limiting the deduction on state and local taxes. When you call, also mention that you oppose cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and other public services to provide tax giveaways for the wealthy. ( I called my rep, barbara comstock r VA 10th cong district, spoke with Kasha. rep comstock is waiting to be told how to vote by the gop leadership, she doesn't have the moral fortitude to tell them how she is going to vote and it should be no.)
The current version of the legislation will limit state and local tax deductibility for working families while providing huge tax cuts for corporations. By emphasizing the elimination of your tax deduction and the huge tax cuts for the wealthy, you have the ability to sway your Representative’s vote to “no.”
Under their plan, 1 in 4 working families will pay more in taxes each year while wealthy corporations and businesses will receive 75% of all tax breaks. On Thursday, this plan will go from the Ways and Means committee to the floor of the House for a vote, and the vote is going to be close.
We have three days to urge our Representatives to vote NO on this plan. Call your Representative today and demand a tax system that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
The leaders of the Republican Party are fighting hard to secure every last vote they need for their plan. We have to fight even harder by coming together and speaking our minds so our Representatives reconsider their position on this plan.
Let’s bring the political revolution to Congress.
In Solidarity,
Larry Cohen
Board Chair

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