18 September 2017

Gym Member Gets Penis Stuck In Weight Plate For Three Hours 15SEP17

(THIS PIC IS FROM GAME OF THRONES, is posted in the comments section on the Feuerwehr Worms facebook page)
WHY? I mean really, why do something like this???? From HuffPost Australia & Feuerwehr Worms ( Germany ).....

It's the latest installment of the 'Free Willy' franchise you never saw coming.
What should have been a simple trip to the gym has culminated in a man having a team of firefighters, equipped with a cutting grinder, vibrating saw and "hydraulic rescue device", free his penis from a 2.5 kg dumbbell disc.
The curious gym goer from the German town of Worms, south of Frankfurt, was caught in the weight for three hours after what one can only assume followed a decision to step-up his weight lifting routine.
In a Facebook post, the firefighters asked people to "not imitate such actions!"
It's not known whether the bloke managed to get it up -- or, indeed, if he will ever be able to again.
Einsatzbericht: Kurioser Trainingsunfall - Hilfeleistung fürs Klinikum
Wie heikel so mancher Einsatz unserer Feuerwehr sein kann, zeigt eine Meldung der etwas anderen Art, die am heutigen Freitagmorgen, 15.09.2017, in der Leitstelle einging. Die Berufsfeuerwehr wurde zur Unterstützung ins Klinikum Worms gerufen. Eine Person hatte sich ein sehr sensibles Körperteil in dem Loch einer 2,5 kg-Hantelscheibe eingeklemmt. Mit Hilfe vom Trennschleifer, einer Vibrationssäge und einem hydraulischem Rettungsgerät konnte das Hantelgewicht nach drei Stunden entfernt werden.
Im Einsatz waren die Berufsfeuerwehr und ein Feuerwehrmann der freiwilligen Einheit Stadtmitte.
Bitte solche Aktionen nicht nachmachen!

Einsatzbericht: strange accident - help for the hospital

How sensitive to the use of our fire department can be a message of the somewhat different kind that was received on Friday morning, 15.09.2017, at the control centre. The Boroughs was called to the hospital in worms. One person had a very sensitive part of the body trapped in the hole of a 2,5 kg-dumbbell disc. With the help of the grinder, a vibrations saw and a hydraulic emergency, the dumbbell weight could be removed after three hours.
The and a fireman of the volunteer unit centre were in use.

Please do not imitate such actions!

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