31 August 2017


THERE was a lot of stupid commentary about NOT MY pres drumpf's/trump's and melania's trip to Texas after Hurricane Harvey. Who cares about their shoes and hats? Keep in mind they are narcissistic, greedy rich people who can not begin to empathize with the fears, anxieties and loss the victims of Harvey are experiencing. The politics and policies of the drumpf/trump-pence administration, based in climate change denial, will be responsible in leaving metro Houston to decay into Mumbai (Bombay) on the Gulf. is asking everyone to contact their Senators and Representative and tell them to tell the drumpf/trump-pence administration that the death and destruction Hurricane Harvey inflicted on Texas and Louisiana proves climate change is real and it is time to stop denying reality and to end their policies and legislative agenda that denies climate change. I did, here's my letter to Sens Kaine D VA and Warner D VA and Rep barbara comstock r VA. Click the link below to send a message.....

Higher sea levels and warmer oceans made Hurricane Harvey into an unnatural disaster. Condemn Trump's climate denial and connect the dots between Harvey and climate change. 

The Trump-Pence administration to continues  to deny the reality of climate change, their voluntary ignorance endangers the lives of millions not just in America but around the world. I expect you to challenge this administration's lies, deception and blatant stupidity on climate change and to work to defeat their policies and legislation that deny climate change and leaves us vulnerable to destructive weather extremes and the spread of  tropical disease to formerly "temperate zones".

Trump went to Texas today (29AUG17)

Today Donald Trump visited Texas. He had no words of comfort for people forced from their homes, or for those who lost family members -- instead he bragged about his crowd size.
The overheated waters of the Gulf of Mexico following the hottest month ever measured on earth made Harvey into a monster storm. Trump is refusing to tell the truth  and name climate change as a key culprit in creating this disaster.
If we want to prevent more disasters like this one, we need to call it what it is. Every leader who wants to defend vulnerable communities threatened by stronger storms, and who understands climate science should condemn Trump's climate silence.
Can you send a message to your Members of Congress asking them to connect the dots between Harvey and climate change and condemn Trump's climate denial?
This is exactly the moment to be talking about climate change.
The historic destruction Harvey has brought to the Gulf is the product of higher sea levels and warmer waters caused by climate change. If our politicians can't call this what it is and get serious about climate action, they are not prepared to protect people from the next storm.
The people who will pay the highest price from inaction are often poor, people of color, or from other vulnerable communities. People living next to toxic refineries and chemical plants in Houston are at elevated risk of contamination from spills and other disasters as you read this.
Trump is only making the problem worse. Just last week he disbanded his climate advisory group and revoked requirements that new federal infrastructure take sea level rise into account. That’s on top of exiting the Paris Agreement, approving the Dakota Access Pipeline, and appointing climate deniers throughout his administration.
Thank you for speaking out. We will continue to push, together.
P.S. In case you missed Jenny's note from yesterday about where to donate after the storm, here are two places we recommend:
This alliance of progressive organizations who will fight for vulnerable victims of Harvey, and TEJAS, a Houston area environmental justice organization providing direct aid to communities affected by the oil industry's toxic pollution.

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