28 July 2012

SUNSHINE: Curb the Corporate Agenda of Activist CEOs Tell the SEC to Expose the Hidden Influence of Corporate Money 28JUL12

HERE is a way to shed some light on who is donating the tens of millions of dollars to gop / tea-bagger AND Democratic and Progressive Super Pacs. Sign the petition to the SEC to demand they use their authority to expose all corporate Super Pac donations, click the link below.

What's worse than billionaires spending millions to elect corporate candidates this November?

The public not even knowing that it's happening.

That's right -- CEOs and massive corporations are able to secretly funnel millions from their companies' coffers to Super PACs backing far right candidates. Thankfully, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has the authority to expose their hidden influence. But the SEC isn't going to act without public pressure.

Tell the SEC: Shine sunlight on corporate spending in elections.

The U.S. Supreme Court's disastrous ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission unleashed this flood of unaccountable corporate money. That's why we need to take every step we can to mitigate the damage. Add your comment now -- call on the SEC to expose the corporate money.

Curb the Corporate Agenda of Activist CEOs

Tell the SEC to Expose the Hidden Influence of Corporate Money

CEOs of massive corporations are poised to secretly funnel millions of dollars from corporate coffers toward electing corporate candidates in 2012. Join our action to stop them now!
They want to keep their spending in the dark. Thankfully, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has the authority to expose their hidden influence. But the SEC isn’t going to act without public pressure.
Tell the SEC: Shine sunlight on corporate spending in elections.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission unleashed this flood of unaccountable corporate money. But the bulk of this money actually belongs to shareholders – mostly working people who have a 401k or similar retirement plan.
You may use the suggested language below without changing it. But if you write your own comment, it will be documented and read separately from those who use the sample language without revising it.
Note: Your comment and any other information you provide below will be displayed publicly on the SEC’s website or on

Why Target the SEC?

As the federal agency with the job of protecting shareholders from corporate abuse, the SEC can step in to stop Corporate America from using our retirement savings and investments as its secret political war chest.

Learn More

Government Reform Initiatives

Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

Thanks for everything you do to protect our Democracy.

- Michael

Michael Langenmayr, Political Director
Democracy for America

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