14 May 2010


 Click the header or the link below to go to this report from Health Care For America Now.

Today, Health Care for America Now released a report1 on insurance company profits and the results are stunning.  In the first quarter of 2010 the profits of the five biggest insurers increased at record levels while they covered less people and spent less on care.  That's why we need to give the federal and state governments more power to reject and modify rate hikes.

Health Care champions Senator Dianne Feinstein of California and Representative Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) have introduced legislation2 that will build upon the landmark health care law that was passed in March and give the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the authority to end unjust premium increases.

The Insurance Company's recent behavior3 has shown they will do and say anything to keep their bloated CEO pay and inflated profits by denying our care and jacking up our rates.   We need to give regulators the power and resources to check the insurance companies and stop business as usual.

1. HCAN Report: Insurance Giants Reap Big Profits By Shedding Members, Spending Less on Medical Care

2. The Health Insurance Rate Authority Act of 2010

3. Press Release: Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans Systematic Dumping of Members Diagnosed With Breast Cancer 

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