08 October 2011

Internet regulated by Comcast? Stop the sneak attack on our free and open internet. 8OKT11

This legislation will result in your internet provider (ISP) limiting and even denying you access to online media like newspapers, magazines, radio and TV websites, as well as educational websites like online universities and school websites, and to video websites like YouTube and Hulu. Access will be determined by what the sites pay the internet providers or how much you can afford to pay your ISP. Can't afford to pay more? Then you get less, it is that simple. You will have to choose and pay for an internet access package similar to your cable TV or satellite TV service. Click the link below, and e mail your Senators here
and ask them to stop this assault in the internet and to keep the internet free and open...

Protect net neutrality.
Take action!
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Senators who put the interests of big corporations before their constituents are trying to push through a measure that would give phone and cable corporations complete control over the Internet.1
The net neutrality regulations passed by the FCC last December were incredibly disappointing — weak enough that they barely warranted the name "net neutrality." And now the big telecom companies are working to kill even these perfunctory rules to ensure we maintain some semblance of an open Internet.
If the Senate passes a proposed resolution stripping the FCC of its regulatory power, companies like Verizon and Comcast will have the authority to block our rights to free speech and access to and ability to share information on the internet. We'll lose our last line of defense against an internet run by giant corporations.
Because the proposed measure is something called a "resolution of disapproval," we can't filibuster it. The telecoms only need 51 votes in the senate to make their assault on free speech the new law of the land.
If this resolution passes, cable and phone companies will be able to restrict your access to web sites, video services, and mobile applications — and no one will be able to stop them. What's more, the telecoms are well on their way to ramming this measure through the Senate before the public learns about what's at stake.
Thank you for taking action to preserve an open internet.
Ali Rozell, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
1. "Hutchison slams net neutrality rules," Gautham Nagesh, The Hill, 09-23-2011.


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