08 July 2010


OH yes, I do believe it.....BP has been waging a propaganda war against the American people deceiving us trying to prove they are taking care of the mess they have created in the Gulf while they poison the people and environment of the Gulf of Mexico. Join the movement to force the Obama administration to take further action and force BP to provide the safety equipment needed by the workers and the medical care all Gulf Coast residents need now and will need in the future. Click the header to sign the petition and see a list of the groups involved. Be sure to check out the video below.

You won’t believe this. BP blocked workers cleaning up the oil disaster in the Gulf from wearing protective respirators.
Keith Olbermann reports that workers are breathing in toxic fumes day after day -- and some have already landed in the hospital with nausea, chest pains, and headaches. Yet BP seems more worried about controlling what images the public sees than about the health of workers.
Shame on them. Watch Keith Olbermann’s report on this issue -- then join us, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and others in demanding action from the White House.
Today, we’re launching a huge coalition of local and national activists -- including Gulf fishermen, environmentalists, members of Congress like Alan Grayson, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Together, we're saying that President Obama must stop BP from denying workers the protective gear they need. Obama says “the federal government has been in charge” of the clean-up efforts. Now's his chance to prove it.
Our new coalition is already driving big headlines. But to really get President Obama's attention, we need those media reports to show that thousands of Americans heard about this cause and joined it.
Can you add your name?
(Then, please forward this email to others.)
Thanks for being a bold progressive,
-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Julia Rosen, Forrest Brown, and the rest of the PCCC team

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. We've received over 60,246 small-dollar donations. Can you help us hit 65,000?

1 comment:

  1. We do not know what human health effects might occur after long-term exposure to food and water contaminated with benzene. In animals, exposure to food or water contaminated with benzene can damage the blood and the immune system and can cause cancer.

    Cancer is not something that will show up after a week of exposure to toxic chemicals - it can and does take years to form and cause its insidious damage. Telling the Gulf Locals to stay inside is not the answer.... the poison is everywhere, carried, as it were on the winds.......
