08 July 2010

Barnett Challenges Wolf to Debates 30JUN10

WILL FRANK WOLF ACCEPT? Or is he afraid of exposing himself as one of the lap dogs of corporate America and the republican leadership, having no thoughts or ideas of his own, just doing what he is paid to (through campaign donations and the like) and told to do? Click the header to go to the Barnett campaign website.
Barnett Challenges Wolf to Debates

Last week, Jeff formally challenged Frank Wolf to a series of debates, proposing at least one in each County of the 10th District. As Jeff says, "voters should not have to rely on 30-second commercials, glossy mailers, and packaged sound bites to learn about our campaigns." That's why we've challenged Frank Wolf to a series of open and rigorous debates. We think voters deserve a chance to interact directly with the candidates and pose questions that have not been pre-screened. Will Frank Wolf agree? 

One of the reasons I enjoy working for Jeff is that he never shies away from speaking candidly to anyone about his ideas - whether or not they agree with him. The voters of the 10th District deserve that same openness from their incumbent Congressman. We look forward to hearing back from Mr. Wolf's response to our challenge. Click here to read the text of the press release, or click here to read the full text of the letter we mailed to Frank Wolf. 

Open Letter to Frank Wolf

June 30, 2010
Dear Congressman Wolf,
Congratulations on receiving your party’s nomination for Congress. Katherine and I wish you and Carolyn the very best in the months ahead.
 You and I have fundamental disagreements on how to prioritize and resolve the problems facing the 10th District and our Nation. We owe the voters an open and complete discussion of our differences. Virginians should not have to rely on 30-second commercials, glossy campaign mailers, and packaged sound bites to learn about our campaigns. Voters deserve more. Voters deserve to hear our ideas directly.
I propose a series of debates: at least one in each county of the 10th District. Our debates should have a flexible structure that allows us to substantively discuss each other’s ideas. A neutral party should moderate each debate, and each debate should give voters the privilege of asking questions that are not pre-screened. If you prefer, we can involve a non-partisan mediator in the planning process to ensure that debate arrangements are equitable for both campaigns and informative for voters.
 I hope to hear from you by July 15th so we can start arranging our debates. With seven counties and seventeen weeks until Election Day, we shouldn’t have any trouble finding times that fit our busy schedules.
 We share a common commitment to remaining accessible to the people we serve. In that spirit of accountability, I hope you will join me in a series of robust and open debates.

Jeff Barnett
Democratic Nominee for Congress
10th District of Virginia

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